Real Estate developer builds on $100,000 savings and lower Experience Mod

A large multi-state owner/developer of residential and commercial property.
The company was using a large insurance agency/broker who was having difficulty managing the company’s claims in a multi-state environment. This complexity requires expertise as well as the time and resources to provide an adequate service level. Unable to get a handle on the Mod credits, the Experience Mod was beginning to climb.
CWCAs conducted an analysis and discovered numerous errors in the reporting of the data to the various state rating boards that were not being closely monitored. The company signed a BOR agreement and the CWCAs went to work.
The CWCAs immediately set up a program to favorably adjust the Mod by regularly checking and coordinating the loss-run ratios. They also put in place a monthly telephone review of all claims and open cases, set up a quarterly meeting and action plan aimed at minimizing the reserve, instituted early involvement with a nurse-care manager, and launched an aggressive Recovery-at-Work campaign, all working towards the goal of lowering the mod and reducing premiums.
Because of the work by the CWCAs, the client’s Experience Mod came down and the client received a total return of $100,000 in premiums.
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